
Posts Tagged ‘Agreement’

The US Navy and Environmental Groups have finally reached an accord on the multi-year dispute revolving around the sonar’s impact on whale behavior and health. LA Times Article. The agreement, restricts the Navy from using the Sonar in areas in the pacific that are documented as whale breeding grounds and key habitat. Here are the terms of the agreement from the NRDC’s (the leading group in this effort) press release:

Under the agreement, LFA testing and training is limited to defined areas of the North Pacific Ocean, and the Navy must adhere to other protective measures, including seasonal and coastal exclusions that will protect breeding grounds and other important whale habitat. In Hawaii, for example, LFA training cannot occur near the Hawaii Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary or the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, and is limited to waters beyond 50 nautical miles of the main islands, an area known to contain vital habitat for several unique marine mammal populations.”

While I’m excited they reached this deal, I am most curious about the agreements caveats. For example, I would assume this agreement is null during a time of war. If so, what about an elevated threat level? I would love to see what type of teeth this agreement really has.


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